What is the problem?
Thanks to recent global events, my business has gone bankrupt and I am now without an income. I can't pay my bills and I am going to lose my house soon. I don't know what to do.
OK. We are here so you will know what to do when you leave here?
Excellent! Let's get started. Let's assume the Heart Position, take a deep breath in and blow it out slowly. We'll do that a few times. Are you feeling better?
Yes, much, thank you.
I see you brought your Book of Stars. Hold it to your heart and ask you dear EM for a memory that will help us today.
This is strange …
Strange is good! That's exactly what we need. Tell me about it!
Well, it's a memory I have being at kindergarten, that's a long time ago, and it was some sort of a special event, might have even been Christmas, and my father was there for some reason, handing out paper cups of drinks to the children. I – my aspect is standing at the back, observing this.
How interesting! What is the aspect thinking/feeling? What's so special about this memory?
That's actually hard to explain. He is smiling, enjoying himself, very good looking, very charming. The kids are adoring him. I've not seen him like that before, it's like seeing him in a completely different light.
Oooh … now that is something that makes me tingle. The different light. Tell me about the light.
Well, he was given to wearing light clothes, white, beige, which was quite different from the fashions of the day. Men usually wore black or grey or brown. In the memory, he is standing where the teacher would be, behind a large table at the front of the classroom, there's a blackboard behind him but he seems to be glowing, or being the light source in the memory. Wow. Never thought of my father as a light source before.
I am thinking, I wonder if your aspect could see energy, and you saw his happiness. Being adored made him happy.
Wow … that's … wow … and yes, it's so true. Being adored made him happy. That's all he ever wanted to be. Truly adored, like all those kids with their shiny eyes, clamouring for his attention.
It is amazing that your aspect saw that scene and understood what was happening. How old was your aspect?
Oh, very young. Can't have been more than 3, because I started school really young, so yeah, wow, I am amazed I can remember something from so young so incredibly clearly.
What do you want to do with this memory, this energy?
Part of me wants to take it to my heart, the other wants to use the thought flow bubble and put it behind me.
Well … it's only energy, we can do both.
Haha, yes, that's funny, you're right, of course we can. I'll take it to heart first them. Ooh, that's … something. First it went straight up my head and out of the top, then it spread around the rest of my body.
Yes, I can feel that, it made me shivery up my spine.
Deep breath. Alright, now I'll hand it over. Wow, that's a much bigger sphere than I normally make, it's huge! Wow that's … that's … very difficult to describe!
It's OK, just breathe deeply, that's a big deal that just happened there.
Yeah, it is, I can feel all sorts of things going on in my back, in my lower back particularly. Like some forever-tension is releasing and the muscles are all sore and overstretched.
May I send some healing to those places?
Yes, please do.
Soften and flow, it's only energy. Breathe deeply.
That feels better, starting to relax now. Phew …
Do you want to stand up and move a bit?
Yes, I do.
That was interesing …
Goodness, I don't know what to think at the moment …
It's fine, you're doing great. Nice deep breaths, and keep making those movements, they help the energy flow. OK, that's great. Now let's have a look at the messages from that memory. How is that relevant for right here, right now?
Deep breath. Well the first thing that comes to mind is … it's not just my father there, shining, being adored, it's all the children who are doing the adoring. It's a thing together, one couldn't exist without the other, and … they're all shining together … it's a … complete system my aspect saw that day …
That is so profound, and so awesome. I know exactly what you mean. He couldn't shine without them, but they couldn't shine without him.
Yes, exactly, they need each other for this to be such a moment of … joy. Of light. The children are shining too.
That's why you never saw him in this light before …
Yes, yes, exactly! I could never have seen him in this light because this light only comes about when … everyone works together, kind of …
Not just kind of. Everyone works together to create the light.
Wow … what a message that is …
Yeah. That's amazing. And how is that relevant to your situation, right here and now?
Well … I had a business, and the business had customers. And when we did this shining together thing, the business was a joy, and it really was. It was so wonderful, so beyond just earning money or being successful, the light was the joy.
So true!
Yes, and this … essential desire to experience this joy, from both sides, that's a human thing and it never goes away, it's … it can't ever go away. It's still there and waiting for an opportunity to be given so it can come out. Doesn't matter what the economy is like or who's the president, or whatever. I need to find that joy inside me again, I need to start shining again, so the customers can shine back.
Alright! Where is that joy inside? Can you show me with your hands?
Yes! It's right here, it's right inside my heart, it wants to come out …
Let it come out then …
Oh God that's so much better! Like a huge relief to let it go … I had no idea that I clamped down on it somehow …
You didn't do that on purpose, it just sometimes happens … not important, it's important that it's back, and you can feel that.
Yes, it's like my head is clearing, like so much confusion is going away …
That's brilliant, well done! Keep that going … and now, what about the future? What are you going to do with this?
I am going to start again. I still have a list of my best customers, I can contact them. I can bring back some of our best selling products, remind everyone of the joy and if even only one or two respond, that'll be a fresh start …
It most certainly will, and that sounds also eminently doable, practical.
Yes, I know exactly what to do when I get home. I'm going to write to them, explain what happened, and ask for their support. We can make new joy together again, now that we know what we're supposed to be doing!
Haha and just to be sure, what are you supposed to be doing?
To create JOY between us, for all of us together.
Wow that is just such an amazing mission statement for any company, any business, forget even business, for anyone in life!
Yes it is, isn't it! The products we sourced and sold were always all about that, to bring joy into people's lives, to create that light effect I saw that day with my father …
It's so beautiful …
I don't know what we did today, but it's about more than just getting my next business up and running, that's for sure. Thank you so, so much. Wow. This is amazing.
Yes, it is. This is such an important message, I have been thinking all along, this is so relevant to me and my business as well, I've already been thinking about making changes to my website so there's more light.
Haha that's wonderful! Oh man now I have a sense of my father smiling down on me. I've never ever felt that before!
Please! Say THANK YOU to him from me as well. I am so going to write an article about this!
He is smiling and waving. He's so happy that he could inspire us both today.
Your father is going in my Book of Stars, and so are you! Star People unite!
Totally. Star People unite! And find the joy inside, that's the light …
Re-told with permission by Silvia Hartmann
December 2023
Beautiful Self Help:
Star Matrix For One
Start by reading the Star Matrix book by Silvia Hartmann. It will guide you through a sequence of simple exercises and get you started on finding your first Star Memories which you inscribe in your own Book of Stars. This is the first step on the journey to YOUR stars - and a brand new, sparkling self concept to take you into a better future.
Star Therapy:
Star Matrix For Two
What do you call a therapist and a client working together to unlock the magic of real lived Star Events? A Star Therapist and their Star Client! Therapy means "healing" and in Star Therapy, we unlock the extraordinary healing powers of love, joy and laughter which are stored inside each Star Memory.
Help Others To Shine:
Become A Star Therapist
Working with your own Star Clients is inspiring and uplifting for the Star Therapist. Leaving each session on a high, with the happy Star Client taking home their new important messages to guide them towards practical action is wonderful. Star Therapy is the healing space where both can learn and evolve together.