How To Become An Accredited Star Therapist Here is the educational pathway to becoming a certified Star Therapist.

The Joy Of Becoming A Star Therapist

Welcome to the Journey of Becoming a Certified Star Therapist.

Transform Lives by Harnessing the Power of Star Memories.

Unlock the Potential of Holistic Healing with the Star Matrix Methodology.

"I cannot thank you enough for giving me my childhood back."

Here is the educational pathway to becoming a certified Star Therapist.

The Star Therapy Certification Course

This course is taught part time over the course of one academic year (32 two hour meetings a week), on line and in person (where available).

Students are required to complete the course unit tests to qualify for their final certification as a Star Therapist.


Unit 1: Star Matrix Foundation – 2 Weeks
Unit 2: Modern Energy Foundation – 8 Weeks
Unit 3: Star Matrix Masters – 12 Weeks
Unit 4: Star Matrix Professional - 4 Weeks
Unit 5: StarLine Therapy – 8 Weeks

Upon Completion

After you complete the StarLine Therapy Professional course, you will be a certified Star Therapist. You will receive a certificate upon completion of the course, you can be listed in the S.T.A.R. Public Registry of the Star Therapist's Association & Registry, and become a member of the world wide Star Therapist's Network. 

The Star Therapist Certification course takes one academic year to complete, consisting of 32 two-hour meetings per week. It is taught online and in person when possible. 

Required Reading

These three books as required reading for the Star Therapy Certification Course:

  • The Energy rEvolution
  • Star Matrix by Silvia
  • StarLine Therapy

It is emphasized that a certified Star Therapist understands that Star Therapy is a form of conversational ENERGY HEALING that focuses on the living energy body, not psychology, and is positioned in the Third Field of the Mind, Body, Spirit triad. 

Star Therapy focuses on helping clients access their positive memories and experiences, known as "Star Memories." By accessing these memories, clients can experience healing, transformation, and a sense of empowerment. Star Therapy views clients as being full of positive energy and potential.

Star Therapists are encouraged to incorporate their own experiences into the therapeutic process by sharing their own Star Stories and insights with clients. Sharing these stories helps therapists connect with clients on a deeper level and model self-awareness and growth. Therapists are also encouraged to use their intuition and experience to create personalized treatment plans for their clients. Star Therapy techniques can be used in a variety of settings.

Star Therapy helps therapists avoid burnout because it focuses on positive energy. This focus can provide an antidote to the negative effects therapists may experience from working exclusively with client trauma. Additionally, a Star Therapist will be able to experience a "shared Star Event" during a session as and when their Star Client does. This shared experience will significantly contribute to the therapist's personal growth and well-being.

The Star Therapy Certification course does not only lead to professional certification in the Third Field, but also represents a journey of self discovery for the Star Therapy students enrolled on the course. 

Utilising practical exercises and experiences throughout, Star Therapy students are encouraged to understand the transformational power of working with high positive memories from the inside out, and creates a space for personal Star Events of understanding, healing and transformation to occur.

Self Help: Star Matrix For One

Beautiful Self Help:
Star Matrix For One

Start by reading the Star Matrix book by Silvia Hartmann. It will guide you through a sequence of simple exercises and get you started on finding your first Star Memories which you inscribe in your own Book of Stars. This is the first step on the journey to YOUR stars - and a brand new, sparkling self concept to take you into a better future.

Get Star Matrix Book

Star Therapy

Star Therapy:
Star Matrix For Two

What do you call a therapist and a client working together to unlock the magic of real lived Star Events? A Star Therapist and their Star Client! Therapy means "healing" and in Star Therapy, we unlock the extraordinary healing powers of love, joy and laughter which are stored inside each Star Memory.

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Become A Star Therapist

Help Others To Shine:
Become A Star Therapist

Working with your own Star Clients is inspiring and uplifting for the Star Therapist. Leaving each session on a high, with the happy Star Client taking home their new important messages to guide them towards practical action is wonderful. Star Therapy is the healing space where both can learn and evolve together. 

Become A Star Therapist