Who am I?
This is a question which has driven human beings to distraction since first we started to ask such questions.
Why is this so difficult to answer?
Sometimes, we're selfish. Sometimes, we do bad things. Sometimes, we are patient and sometimes, we are not. Sometimes we are certain and know exactly what we are doing, and sometimes, we feel completely lost in our own incarnations.
It's confusing …
But let's start here.
- You (and everyone else) can only ever be one version of yourself at a time.
We can only be either nice, or nasty, and we change sequentially as we enter into different states of mind, body and spirit, through our days and nights, all through life.
There is, however, a core self that never changes at all.
I sum that up with the aphorism, “You cannot beat the Silvia out of the Silvia.”
I am someone, and so are you, and so is everyone else.
Now, you can destroy the Silvia, you can break her spirit, but you cannot change that core self, who I am, into something or someone else.
I have lived long enough, and dealt with enough people to know this with 100% certainty.
I know therefore that each one of us has a core self – but how do we discover what it is?
Glimpses of the Core Self
When we are hungry, exhausted, stressed, afraid, angry, sick or in pain, we are not the best version of ourselves. In these negative states, we become distressed and disturbed versions of ourselves.
The greater the disturbance, the harder it becomes for ourselves to remember our core self, and for other people, to be able to get a sense of who we truly are.
But there are other times, in those moments we call Star Moments, when we are a totally different being – strong, intelligent, joyful, happy, loving and being absolutely worthy of the love of others.
I contend that in these +10 Star Moments, we are as close to our true core self as we can be, and these moments, we can catch glimpses of our core self.
In rEvolution, I tell the the Lily Story.
Someone once confronted me and told me that I was completely deluded to think that “we are who we really are at +10 and nowhere else.” That it was just a stupid idea and I was wrong, that the only way to the truth was through suffering, that you could only find out who you really are at -10, not +10. And that the real truth about people was that they were cruel and sin filled, worse than animals, that they were monsters.
I have to admit, I got angry and I said, quite powerfully, “Right. Imagine yourself in an ancient forest, with shafts of golden sunlight streaming through the cathedral trees.
“And there is a gorgeous stand of forest lilies, in their full expression of what lily plants can be – beautiful glowing golden flowers, glossy leaves, strong roots.
“Then you jump on them, and you kick them, and you trample them more and more and stomp them into the dirt until there's nothing left but a disgusting mess - and you are standing there and seriously telling me that that disgusting mess is the true nature of the lilies?
“Don't you dare!”
The person in question stared at me for a good long time, eyes wide open, Adams apple going up and down quite remarkably, and then said weakly, “Oh ... “ followed by, “So that's what you mean ...”
A person doesn't know who they are until and unless they connect consciously with their highest versions of themselves. Everything else is a stressed, distorted, disturbed version of their own true authentic core self.
That's the truth.
This was the Lily Story, and now we know two things.
- The first is that we cannot ever find out who we truly are, know our core self, by endlessly re-visiting our worst trauma moments.
- The second is that we have now a direction for our search to know our authentic, core self – we need to pay attention to our Star Moments, the best moments of our lives.
Star Matrix Is The Way To YOUR Authentic Core Self
Psychology has been entirely obsessed by trauma ever since the soldiers returned from the First World War with shell shock, which was re-named to battle fatigue, and then to PTSD.
In this obsession, the most important memories of our lives, the Star Memories, have been ignored, discarded, and then entirely forgotten over the century that followed.
- Our Star Moments are the only memories that flash before our eyes as we are about to die.
They are the memories with the most important information about how the world really works, beyond all dogma, beyond all brain washing, beyond all societal programming and entrainment.
Above all else, it is our Star Memories which contain the all important glimpses of our true, authentic core selves and hold the answer to who we have always been, are right now, and will continue to be in the future.
Discover Your Starry Self!
Star Matrix is a method of self-discovery that involves actively remembering and reflecting on the best moments of our lives, also called Star Moments or Star Memories. These memories reveal our authentic selves because they represent the times when we were at our highest energy levels and most connected to love. In these moments, we are closest to understanding absolute reality and our our own true nature.
By revisiting and analyzing these Star Memories, we can gain a better understanding of who we really are and what we are capable of achieving.
Here's how Star Matrix helps reveal our authentic selves:
- Shifting Focus: Star Matrix encourages a shift in focus from trauma and negative experiences to positive and joyful moments. This shift allows us to see ourselves beyond the lens of victimhood and trauma, revealing the strength and resilience of our true Core Self.
- Unveiling the Star Matrix: By focusing on Star Memories, we uncover a self-concept built upon our best moments, rather than the Scar Matrix formed by focusing on trauma. The Star Matrix is a more realistic and empowering self-concept because it reflects the times when we were most aligned with our true selves.
- Reclaiming Ownership: The Star Moments are entirely our own, regardless of external circumstances or the involvement of others. Recognizing and owning these experiences empowers us to define ourselves based on our inner light and joy, rather than external validation or the narratives of others.
- Connecting to Love: Each Star Memory is a direct connection to love itself. By revisiting these moments, we reconnect with the love within us and experience the power and healing that love offers. This connection to love nourishes our energy bodies and helps us to understand our true nature as beings of love.
- Fostering Self-Love: As we engage with our Star Matrix, we naturally begin to love and appreciate ourselves more. This self-love arises from a deeper understanding of our strengths, values, and the beauty of our unique life experiences. It allows us to embrace our authentic selves with compassion and joy.
- Illuminating Our Life Story: By creating a StarLine, a timeline composed of Star Memories, we can see the overall trajectory of our lives in a new light. This perspective helps us to understand our past, make sense of the present, and envision a future filled with more Star Moments.
By engaging with Star Matrix, we can break free from the limitations of the "trauma cult" and step into the fullness of who we truly are. As we embrace our Star Memories and allow their light to illuminate our lives, our authentic selves naturally emerge, sparkling and infinite.
A Call To Action: Ditch The Trauma, Get To Know Your Authentic Core Self!
The more trauma there has been in your life, the more important it is to press pause on the trauma story right now, and start an inventory of your own Star Memories.
This will build not just a much more realistic self concept, but it will also bring justice into a system where only the negative had the microphone.
By engaging with your own Star Memories, finally giving them the attention they so richly deserved all along, and discovering your own unique abilities, your Star Powers, you will be building a powerful foundation.
You will begin to know yourself better.
With each Star Memory re-claimed, your Star Matrix will become stronger. It will become not only a source of strength, but also a protection, like a suit of armour.
Your core self is real. It has shown itself in your Star Memories – it is not a delusion, this is your lived experience … so far.
Best of all, by interacting with the Star Memories we have already assembled, we get to learn how to have further and many more Star Events in the future.
And a life filled with Stars is a life lived in accordance with your real, true, authentic core self – which is so much more amazing than we ever thought they were.
Start discovering your authentic self today –
Star Matrix is the way!
Beautiful Self Help:
Star Matrix For One
Start by reading the Star Matrix book by Silvia Hartmann. It will guide you through a sequence of simple exercises and get you started on finding your first Star Memories which you inscribe in your own Book of Stars. This is the first step on the journey to YOUR stars - and a brand new, sparkling self concept to take you into a better future.
Star Therapy:
Star Matrix For Two
What do you call a therapist and a client working together to unlock the magic of real lived Star Events? A Star Therapist and their Star Client! Therapy means "healing" and in Star Therapy, we unlock the extraordinary healing powers of love, joy and laughter which are stored inside each Star Memory.
Help Others To Shine:
Become A Star Therapist
Working with your own Star Clients is inspiring and uplifting for the Star Therapist. Leaving each session on a high, with the happy Star Client taking home their new important messages to guide them towards practical action is wonderful. Star Therapy is the healing space where both can learn and evolve together.