Star Therapy Is Conversational Energy Healing Star Therapy is conversational energy healing work.This is useful as a bridge for traditional psychologists who wish to offer a more holistic service to their clients, as well as being a bridge for traditional energy healers to work with a much larger audience.

Many professional therapists want to expand their practice to address the Third Field in the Mind, Body, SPIRIT triad, to be better able to help and support their clients.

However, it has been difficult in the past to combine "spiritual" approaches with professional practice, as the entire concept of "energy" is deemed to be unscientific by many. 

Star Therapy, with its focus on talking therapy and recovering high positive memories, is the perfect way for a more holistic practice that acknowledges the lived experience of both client and therapist to come into being. 

"We simply focus on the best memories of your life." 

  • Even though Star Therapy is based on the idea that we all have a living energy body that can be healed and transformed through direct energy work, there is no need to talk about energy. 
  • Star Therapy focuses on positive experiences, which can help therapists and clients raise their energy levels and feel more empowered. The direct results in better emotional states, changes of negative beliefs about themselves, and changes in communications in others are lived experience proof for therapist and client. 
  • Star Therapy offers therapists a structured and supportive framework for working with clients' energy. Star Therapy offers specific techniques and protocols, that can be used to help clients access their Star Memories and experience positive energy shifts. These protocols and concepts can help therapists feel more confident and competent in their ability to work with clients' energy.
  • Star Therapy encourages therapists to use their intuition and creativity in their work. Star Therapy is a flexible and adaptable approach that can be tailored to the individual needs of each client. This can be empowering for therapists who are looking for a more intuitive and creative way to work with clients. 
  • Star Therapy is a gentle, yet powerful approach to energy work that reconnects spirituality with the client's lived experience in consciousness, as the Star Memories always have a profoundly spiritual dimension. 
In conclusion: Star Therapy is the perfect way for therapists to be able to catalyse transformational energy healing, not through strange and outlandish methods, but simply by conversational energy work which inspires and delights the client by design. 

* Star Therapy can become a wonderful adjunct for the professional energy healing based practice as it creates the opportunity to work with high positive energy but without having to teach techniques or use direct hands on healing, thus offering many, many more people the opportunity to experience the power of energy healing without having to take a leap of faith, or contradict or conflict with traditionally held beliefs about energy healing. 

Star Matrix is the way! 

Self Help: Star Matrix For One

Beautiful Self Help:
Star Matrix For One

Start by reading the Star Matrix book by Silvia Hartmann. It will guide you through a sequence of simple exercises and get you started on finding your first Star Memories which you inscribe in your own Book of Stars. This is the first step on the journey to YOUR stars - and a brand new, sparkling self concept to take you into a better future.

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Star Therapy

Star Therapy:
Star Matrix For Two

What do you call a therapist and a client working together to unlock the magic of real lived Star Events? A Star Therapist and their Star Client! Therapy means "healing" and in Star Therapy, we unlock the extraordinary healing powers of love, joy and laughter which are stored inside each Star Memory.

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Help Others To Shine:
Become A Star Therapist

Working with your own Star Clients is inspiring and uplifting for the Star Therapist. Leaving each session on a high, with the happy Star Client taking home their new important messages to guide them towards practical action is wonderful. Star Therapy is the healing space where both can learn and evolve together. 

Become A Star Therapist