The Developmental History of Star Matrix
- 1993: Silvia Hartmann discovers the reality of energy exchanges between social mammals and publishes The Harmony Program, which links positive energy exchanges with improvements in performance and behaviour. The Harmony Program provides a genesis of practical methods to improve relationships and suggests that by focusing on high energy, positive memories some relationships can be repaired.
- 1996: Hartmann applies the principles of the Harmony Program to improve the conscious/unconscious mind relationship in human beings and creates Project Sanctuary.
- 1998: Hartmann begins work with tapping therapies (TFT Thought Flow Therapy, EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques et al) which she understands to be energy body based interventions to improve the flow of energy through the energy body. She publishes Adventures In EFT to document her findings.
- 2000: While working with trauma based disturbances through energy methods, Hartmann discovers that there is a class of seemingly positive experiences she calls Guiding Stars which can also be the cause for negative outcome behaviour. This breaks the “trauma only” psychology paradigm and brings a second type of events into play.
- 2002: Hartmann develops EMO Energy In Motion, an energy body centric approach to understanding and treating emotions in human beings. A key feature of EMO is the “energized end state,” a very high energy state which occurs after the energy problem has been solved, and after which the presenting problem does not come back in its original form. Hartmann notes that this type of energy event is extremely similar to energy events created by Project Sanctuary, which are called “threshold shifts,” as well as being similar to the quite rare “tapping miracles” from techniques such as TFT (Thought Field Therapy) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). This places a third type of event into an unfolding “Events Matrix.”
- 2004: Hartmann conducts a personal research project into the experiences of air crash survivors. She is particularly struck by the fact that during the “life flashing” experience before the moment of perceived death, no trauma memories are included. She begins investigations into what other types of important life events might explain why people do the things they do.
- 2008: Hartmann publishes Events Psychology, which re-focuses the “trauma only” paradigm from psychology to an events based paradigm, where different types of events interplay to form the currently observable behaviour and state of the energy system. Hartmann describes the groundbreaking Aspects Model Of Identity and correlates energy states directly with the observations of the original Harmony Program, which includes not just the descent into chaotic behaviours due to stress, but also the ascent into better states of being and performance on the positive side. This provides a way to map human experience on a timeline for the first time and acknowledges a wide variety of events beside trauma.
- 2009: Hartmann creates the Modern Energy Chart (objective) and the SUE Scale (Subjective Units of Experience) to not only map energy states, but to provide a direction for evolution. The Modern Energy Chart has a +10 state, which is the highest state an individual can experience, the Star State. This Star State is the “energized end state” from EMO, the moment the “tapping miracle” occurs in TFT/EFT and the “threshold shift” from Project Sanctuary. The Star State at the end of the Modern Energy Chart provides a goal for energy treatments and brings the importance of +10 Star States into focus.
- 2011: The Modern Energy Chart and the SUE Scale are officially adopted by The Guild of Energists, leading to an exponential increase of user data, both from individuals in self help as well as from therapists and trainers. Hartmann publishes Energy EFT and places Modern Energy into the Third Field in the Body, Mind, Spirit (Energy Body) Triad.
- 2014: Hartmann develops Modern Stress Management, a system which introduces the Modern Energy Chart and teaches four basic energy raising techniques to improve performance, designed for use in institutions, industry, and schools. Modern Stress Management does not include any form of trauma work but focuses entirely to raise energy for individuals and groups, thereby making it universally accessible, safe and practical.
- 2016: As it became apparent that especially the tapping therapists were too focused on trauma, Hartmann creates Modern Energy Tapping, which, instead of asking clients about their traumas, asks what they need to overcome the presenting problem. This question creates a positive set up that proves to be exponentially more efficient in solving the existing energy problem, leading to the +10 energized end state faster and far more predictably. During the training programs for Modern Energy Tapping, it becomes apparent how infinitely superior the recall of positive memories is to learning the processes of dealing with memories is, opposed to the difficulties and dangers in trying to remember trauma. The effects of remembering positive memories on a person's ability to deal with the processes of memory, their cognition and their energy levels clearly indicated that high positive memories, the Star States, deserved so much more attention than they had previously received.
- 2018: The continued work on using Positives (energy forms experienced as uplifting/energizing to an individual) leads to an ongoing exploration of The Power of the Positives to raise energy, as well as bringing the Energy Average over time into focus. As the natural self healing functions of the living energy body are disabled below +3, to raise the energy average itself becomes the focus of the ongoing reserch. Particularly the Personal Power Positives (PPPs), which are derived from high energy memories, prove to be extremely effective in therapeutic and personal use.
- 2019: Silvia Hartmann initiates Project 11, which is the first full, deliberate and highly structural investigation into Star Events. 50 participants from a wide range of backgrounds took part in the project which revealed a plethora of unexpected positive side effects. Among the insights from Project 11 was that Star Events are not experienced in isolation, but that they are connected with each other, forming a Star Matrix, which became the official title of this new approach to personal development and healing, and the title of Silvia Hartmann's seminal book which contains the methodology of working with Star Memories and creating a personal Book Of Stars.
- 2021: From the original Project 11, the Star Matrix Masters course is developed and tested with a variety of participants.
- 2022: Hartmann conducts a number of research workshops to test Star Matrix applications for therapeutic use, including Star Art, Star Constellations, StarLine Therapy and Star Matrix Professional. From this research, she develops the concepts and practices of Star Therapy, creating the teaching materials for a professional training and certification program for Star Therapists.
- 2023: Silvia Hartmann publishes StarLine Therapy, which describes the therapeutic application of Star Matrix in a therapeutic/healing context. StarLine Therapy allows an individual to take a complete overview of their entire life from the Star Matrix perspective, something that was never possible before, and discover a trajectory for their future, identified by the evidence of the Star Events from the past.
- 2025: The complete Star Therapy training and certification program is created and the S.T.A.R. Register is established (Star Therapists Association & Register) under the auspices of The Guild of Energists.
- The Harmony Program, S Hartmann, DragonRising 1993
- Project Sanctuary, S Hartmann, DragonRising 1996
- Adventures In EFT, S Hartmann, DragonRising 1998
- Guiding Stars Paper, S Hartmann, DragonRising 2000
- EMO Energy In Motion, S Hartmann, DragonRising 2016 Ed
- Events Psychology, S Hartmann, DragonRising 2008
- Energy EFT, S Hartmann, DragonRising 2011
- The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution, S Hartmann, DragonRising 2014
- Modern Stress Management (Training Program), S Hartmann, DragonRising 2014
- Modern Energy Tapping, S Hartmann, DragonRising 2016
- The Modern Energy rEvolution, S. Hartmann, DragonRising 2018
- Star Matrix, S Hartmann, DragonRising 2019
- The Power of the Positives, S. Hartmann, DragonRising 2020
- StarLine Therapy, S Hartmann, DragonRising 2023
Beautiful Self Help:
Star Matrix For One
Start by reading the Star Matrix book by Silvia Hartmann. It will guide you through a sequence of simple exercises and get you started on finding your first Star Memories which you inscribe in your own Book of Stars. This is the first step on the journey to YOUR stars - and a brand new, sparkling self concept to take you into a better future.
Star Therapy:
Star Matrix For Two
What do you call a therapist and a client working together to unlock the magic of real lived Star Events? A Star Therapist and their Star Client! Therapy means "healing" and in Star Therapy, we unlock the extraordinary healing powers of love, joy and laughter which are stored inside each Star Memory.
Help Others To Shine:
Become A Star Therapist
Working with your own Star Clients is inspiring and uplifting for the Star Therapist. Leaving each session on a high, with the happy Star Client taking home their new important messages to guide them towards practical action is wonderful. Star Therapy is the healing space where both can learn and evolve together.