Star MatrixStar Matrix Is The Way! |
StarLine Therapy: From A New Past Arises A New Future
Silvia Hartmann
StarLine Therapy by Silvia Hartmann is a new form of energy therapy. Star therapists can assist their clients to change the story of their lives through Star Matrix, overcome trauma and find deep healing by connecting with their core self. This book explains StarLine Therapy with clients step by step. Please note that you need to read the original Star Matrix book first. StarLine Therapy by Silvia HartmannStarLine Therapy - Star Matrix For 2, and beyond ...
StarLine Therapy creates Star Clients - and STAR THERAPISTS!"I can see your Stars!" Focusing on the high energy Star Events of a person's life StarLine Therapy creates NEW Star Events!The aim and purpose of every StarLine Therapy session is Both Star Client AND Star Therapist experience their own The StarLine Therapy Book by Silvia Hartmann covers:
Who is the StarLine Therapy Book For?The StarLine Therapy Book is for: Read Silvia Hartmann's "Welcome To StarLine Therapy!"
StarLine Therapy by Silvia Hartmann StarLine Therapy by Silvia HartmannWelcome by Silvia HartmannWelcome to StarLine Therapy! I am delighted you are here with me to discover and explore a new and different kind of “therapy.” “Therapy” means the treatment of disease or disorders with a healing intention. “StarLine” is a Star Matrix concept which refers to a person's timeline which exclusively contains their Star Events, the best moments of their lives. StarLine itself is the treatment, is the life healing in a profoundly spiritual way. At the same time, StarLine Therapy is practical, easy and delightfully surprising in its results. StarLine Therapy gives us a complete set of tools and step by step approaches to heal ravaged self concepts, re-connect broken timelines, and provides a stable foundation for the individual to move forward into a better future. As we engage with StarLine Therapy, we are constantly surprised just how profound the insights and changes are. StarLine Therapy also, and by design, evolves not only the Star Client, but also the Star Therapist. StarLine Therapy is a paradigm shift in the client-therapist interaction, and unlocks the human potential of working together in order to create changes that nobody could have achieved on their own. The many benefits of StarLine Therapy are the best proof that we are moving in the right direction and that Star Matrix is, indeed, the way. If you are entirely new to my work, please see “The Energy rEvolution” for the essential information about the energy inclusive, 6 sense paradigm and its concepts, and “Star Matrix” which describes in detail the methods, techniques and processes of working with high positive memories, the Star Events of our lives. StarLine Therapy is the natural outcome, the inevitable discovery, which occurs when we start to pay attention to our living energy bodies, and develop methods and techniques which are healthy and beneficial to mind, body and spirit at the same time. I am delighted and excited to invite you to a new world of people working with each other to bring about beautiful, positive Star Events of change, of healing and of evolution. Let us begin. Purchase Options
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